We are launching a new DOE center at Berkeley Lab to develop ultrahigh frequency phononics for next-generation superconducting quantum technologies!

<aside> 📢 A team of eleven investigators led by Prof. Alp Sipahigil at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) have been awarded $8,000,000 by DOE to develop ultrahigh frequency phononics for next generation superconducting quantum technologies.


<aside> <img src="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/048d6522-202b-48d4-b5d9-bc005bd602e2/a12de8a6-4d72-4cf6-bee7-dff3a4e7b14d/Screen_Shot_2023-09-16_at_8.25.23_PM.png" alt="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/048d6522-202b-48d4-b5d9-bc005bd602e2/a12de8a6-4d72-4cf6-bee7-dff3a4e7b14d/Screen_Shot_2023-09-16_at_8.25.23_PM.png" width="40px" /> Superconducting integrated circuits are a leading platform for building quantum processors and sensors that outperform their classical counterparts. Further advances in these emerging technologies require improvements in our understanding and control of how superconducting circuits interact with vibrations in solids called phonons. The PhononNext Center at LBNL will bring together experts in atom-to-devices modeling, synthesis and nanofabrication, superconducting detectors, and quantum devices. The team will combine their expertise to develop multilayers for ultrahigh frequency phononics, and use these multilayers to realize next-generation phonon-engineered quantum sensors, transducers, and qubits.


Link to the center website:

PhononNext Center

The award announcement:

Department of Energy Announces $73 Million for Basic Research to Accelerate the Transition from Discovery to Commercialization

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